A lot has happened this year on that front: exercising regularly, restarted my weekly fasting, moved with my learning a bit further…

Another year is a good opportunity to set new goals:

  1. meditate daily
  2. set a long term goal
  3. set aside time for retrospecting and blogging

ad 1. I was starting to mediate quite a few times in my life already, but it never stuck with me. Perhaps this year. This is to have more patience, more focus and more perspective,

ad 2. give a long term goal a shape, so it is something tangible to work towards and it will also help with creating short and mid term goals,

ad 3. for a start 2 hours/week and 1 day/month should be fine. This is to have a bit more structure and planning in my life, to have some time to stop and look back at what was good and what can be better and write down some important learnings.